South Puget Sound Bee Pollen

South Puget Sound Bee Pollen


If you suffer from allergies, you probably already know the tremendous power of pollen to help you build resistance to the floral pollens in our area. 

Trapped from our bees here in South Puget Sound, pollen not only helps with allergies, it boosts immunity and energy as well. 

Many of our customers have been requesting local bee pollen and we are excited about being able to offer it to you in a limited supply now, (our current supply will sell out fast) but as a regular product this coming season.

Bees collect pollen from flowers as a source of protein that they mix with nectar to make “beebread” which is stored in comb cells surrounding the nest of open brood, where eggs are developing into larvae, then pupae, then adult bees, and is fed to these emerging young bees. This vitamin and protein-rich natural resource is just what new bees need to continue their develop into maturity and to meet the demands of the work of the hive. As nurse bees care for the uncapped larvae, they consume pollen in order to make royal jelly which is fed to all developing larvae. Like everything bees do, they do this in excess, which gives us the opportunity to harvest a limited amount of pollen from our bees. In fact, to be sure we don’t take too much pollen from a colony, the traps that we use to harvest pollen are intentionally inefficient. That is, our traps only trap about half of pollen that bees are bringing in. That coupled with our regimented schedule of not taking pollen daily and limiting our harvest to the timing of the peak of the pollen season, allows us to take pollen without harming the colonies health.

Health Benefits

Our South Puget Sound Bee Pollen is a great source of plant based nutrition.

· Multivitamin: Bee Pollen is high in Vitamins A, B and C.

· Minerals: Bee Pollen contains up to 22 amino acids

· Immunity: Can help boost immunity, keeping you healthy year-round.

· ​Energy: A natural way to keep you energized in the morning.

· Allergies: 3 out of 5 people who consume Bee Pollen leading up to the spring season have said to have reduced effects of Spring and Summer allergies. Many of our friends have said that consuming LOCAL Bee Pollen regularly, has helped them build up a resistance in their body to help hay fever.

Pollen Facts

· Comes from male plants

· Can contain up to 188 different kinds of fungi & 39 kinds of bacteria

· Can contain up to 22 different amino acids

· Can carry more protein than beef by weight

· Each grain is coated in a teeny tiny husk

The Nutrients of Bee Pollen

· 20-40% simple sugars

· 20-60% protein

· 4% minerals & vitamins

· 10% essential amino acids

· 5% lipids (fatty acids)

· 5% phenolic compounds

How to Store Your Pollen

Your pollen has been gently dried at hive temperature so there is no need to worry about it going bad, however in order to preserve all those beneficial nutrients as long as possible, it's best to keep in the fridge or freezer once you've gotten home.

Allergic Reactions:

Pollen is a common allergen so take a few precautions before diving into this new superfood:

1) Place one bee pollen granule under your tongue

2) Let it dissolve completely.  It is now absorbing rapidly through your mucus membrane directly into your bloodstream.

3) If you experience no reaction, you can increase your dose day by day a little bit at time until you reach a full tablespoon daily.

4) If you do react, you will likely feel tingling in your mouth and/or throat.  Stay at that dose daily until you no longer feel the tingling and then go back to increasing your dose granule by granule.  This is your immune system adapting and building your Spring allergen immunity!

While many people have been enjoying the benefits of taking pollen for years without issue, we suggest if you are wanting to try it out or uncertain, that you check with your doctor or allergist BEFORE trying pollen.

We'd love to hear from you!

We love getting to know our fans and appreciate hearing from you! We try to follow up personally either with an email, text or call. We also appreciate positive reviews to help get the word out. Call or text (253) 381-0156.

Be sure to "LIKE US" on our Social Media channels-Instagram and Facebook! :) 

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