Chunk Honey

Chunk Honey

From $16.00

Chunk honey combines two things honey lovers love, Chunks of local honeycomb in a jar of local! 

HoneyBees build honeycomb from wax they make from the nectar they collect while foraging outside the hive. This perfectly shaped hexagon comb is where they store their honey. 

It is natural, delicious and completely edible. 

In our CHUNK honey, we've added a chunk, or chunks of honeycomb to each jar of this delicious raw honey. 

Our CHUNK honey is available in 3 different sizes, and all of our honey is chemical-free and strained, but unfiltered. Made by our bees right here in Olympia, WA. 

$17 - Small Jar 14 oz. (397 g.)

$23 - Large Jar 1 lb. 4 oz. (567 g.)

$43 - Jumbo Jar 2 lbs. 10 oz. (1190 g.)

40% of all sales goes directly to Living Water International to help bring clean drinking water to people who dont have access to it.

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